Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) Zurab Tsverikmazashvili
Date and Place of Birth: |
April 3, 1946, Tbilisi, Georgia |
E-mail: |
ეს ელ. ფოსტის მისამართი დაცულია სპამბოტებისგან. თქვენ გჭირდებათ ჯავასკიპტის ჩართვა მის სანახავად.
Educational Background:
1984 |
Assistant professor, TSU |
1977 |
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in Radio-physics and Quantum Electronics, TSU |
1970 |
Graduated TSU |
Institutional affiliation:
1995 to present |
Chief-engineer, LAE, School of Physics, TSU |
1971-1995 |
Laboratory Assistant, Senior Researcher, Assistant Professor, Head of Chair, TSU |
1981-1982 |
Rising the level School of Engineering, Syracuse University (advisers: prof. G.Gruenberg, prof. R.Harrington) |
Junior Researcher, Tbilisi Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery |
Area of expertise: |
- Numerical methods, MAS, theoretical and experimental investigation of electrodynamics problems;
- Periodical Structures;
- Diffraction and Wave Propagations.
Date of Death: |
May, 2011 |
List of Publications:
- V.P.Kopaleishvili, R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. Diffraction on the grating of the arbitrary section cylindrical elements. Soobschenia AN GSSR, 1972, 68, 2.
- V.P.Kopaleishvili, R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili, G.M.Talakvadze. Theses of the reports of republic guidance conference of the Georgia College's physicists. Tbilisi, 1972, p.78.
- V.P.Kopaleishvili, R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili, G.M.Talakvadze Thesis's of the reports of the VII republic conference dealing with 50 year of USSR Batumi, 1972, p.79
- V.P.Kopaleishvili, R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. Soobschenia AN GSSR, 1972, 62, 7.
- V.P.Kopaleishvili, R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. Diffraction on the grating assembled from the discrete elements. Thesis's of the XIX scientific conference reports of MFTI, 1973, Dolgoprudny.
- V.P.Kopaleishvili, R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili, G.M.Talakvadze. The junior researchers scientific works. TSU, 2-d issue, series of natural sciences, Tbilisi, 1974, p.p. 93-106.
- V.P.Kopaleishvili, R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili, G.M.Talakvadze. The junior researchers scientific works. TSU, 2-d issue, series of natural sciences, Tbilisi, 1974, p.p. 106-121.
- R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili, R.V.Chkhikvadze. Investigation of the results convergence when solving some of diffraction problems. Theses of the VIII republic guidance conference of the Georgia College's physicists, 1974, Gori.
- M.Mirianashvili, R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. The diffraction problem solving on the infinity length cylindrical bodies by non-orthogonal series method. Soobschenia AN GSSR, 1975, 78, 1.
- R.S.Zaridze, D.D.Karkashadze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. The numerical solution of the diffraction problem on the infinity multi-layer grating. Soobschenia AN GSSR, 1976, 82, 2
- R.S.Zaridze, D.D.Karkashadze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. Investigation of the diffraction field of the infinity multi-layer cylindrical grating. Theses of the IX republic guidance conference of the Georgia College's physicists, 1976, Tbilisi.
- R.S.Zaridze, D.D.Karkashadze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. The estimation possibility for the calculation results error when solving some of diffraction problems. Theses of the IX republic guidance conference of the Georgia College's physicists, 1976, Tbilisi.
- R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili.The numerical investigation of a diffraction problem by the modified method of non-orthogonal series. Jurnal vychislitelnoi matematiki i matematicheskoi fiziki. 1977, o.17 2.
- R.S.Zaridze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili.The two-dimensional diffraction problems on the complicated form bodies and system of bodies by the method of non-orthogonal. Theses of the reports of VII all union wave diffraction VII symposium. 1977, Rostov-Don.
- Zaridze R. S., Tsverikmazashvili Z. S. "Numerical solution of diffraction problem by modified method of non-orthogonal series," Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Moscow, 1977.
- R. Zaridze, Z. Tsverikmazashvili. "Diffraction field of infinite multilayer lattice", Radiotechnics and Electronics, Vol. 23, No.6, Moscow, 1978.
- R.S.Zaridze, G.M.Talakvadze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. Electromagnetic waves diffraction on the finite spatial grating of the vibrators. Scientific works of TSU, physics series, 1981, p.p. 122-147.
- Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. Budapest, 1984. International Symposium.
- R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, G. Talakvadze, J. Khatiashvili, Z. Tsverikmazashvili, "A Method of Auxiliary Sources in Applied Electrodynamics", URSI International Symposium of E/M Theory, Budapest, Hungary, 1986.