The reason of the successful work of the LAE team was earlier and remains nowadays an original numerical method (MAS) for solution of complicated shape antenna and other diffraction problems. Initially this method aimed to balance the lag of domestic computer resources from Western analogues by increasing efficiency of numerical means. The actual recognition of MAS as efficient numerical tool is due to the complication of the problems to be stated, and due to the permanent development of MAS to meet present-day needs. Research and development of Numerical Method for solution diffraction problems on large distributed Systems has become recently the key EM problem considered by LAE team. (See references 20, 57, 119, 189, 246 in Publications)
1973 |
Revaz Zaridze. “Solution of the 2-D diffraction problems with the method of collocation and discrete sources”. Ph.D. thesis. |
1977 |
Zurab Tsverikmazashvili. “Solution of the some diffraction problems using modified method of the nonorthogonal series”. |
1981 |
David Karkashadze. “Investigation of the possibilities of the Method of Auxiliary Sources for solution of diffraction problems”. |
1983 |
Givi Talakvadze. “Computational investigation of the resonance properties of metal-dielectric periodical grid”. |
1983 |
Jumber Khatiashvili. “Investigation of the resonance properties and the eigen fields of several dielectric objects and finite metal-dielectric structures”. |
1985 |
Revaz Zaridze. "The Method of Auxiliary Sources in Applied Electrodynamics". Doctoral thesis. |
1987 |
Gia Lomidze. “Solution of the some applied electrodynamical problems with the Method of Auxiliary Sources”. |
1988 |
David Japaridze. “Investigation of dispersion characteristics of metal-dielectric waveguides with the Method of Auxiliary Sources”. |
1988 |
Oleg Kharshiladze. “The Method of Auxiliary Sources and wave field's singularities ”. |
1990 |
Roman Jobava. “Diffraction of the electromagnetic pulses on the perfectly conducted surface”. |
1992 |
Mark Doroshenko. “Solution of the 3-D problems using the Method of Auxiliary Sources”. |
1997 |
Fridon Shubitidze. "Transient Electrodynamical Processes in the Scattering, Excitation and Discharge Problems" |
1998 |
David Meckhvarishvili. "Computer Simulation of the Waves Propagation and Scattering in Anisotropic Absorbed Magneto-Dielectric Environment". |
1998 |
George Bit-Babik. "Improvement of the Method of Auxiliary Sources for Solving Some Scattering and Inverse Problems". |
1999 |
Roin Beria. "Protection of the electronic technology from the radiation of the non-stationary electromagnetic field". |
1999 |
Dimitris Economou. "Solution of electromagnetic problems with the Method of Auxiliary Sources and microwave power systems with an application to an electron accelerator". |
1999 |
Kakhaber Tavzarashvili. "Improvement the Method of Auxiliary Sources for solution of 2D and 3D diffraction problem". |
2002 |
Giorgi Ghvedashvili. "Drop-Shaped Antenna Radiation and its Interaction with the User". |
2003 |
David Kakulia. "Frequency Response Investigation of Open Metallic Surfaces by The Method of Auxiliary Sources". |
2004 |
Tamar Gogua. "Mathematical Modelling and Management in Hydraulic Processes". |
2004 |
Alexander Bijamov. "Extension of the Method of Auxiliary Sources for the photonic crystal based devices simulation, implementing the bianisotropic materials". |
2006 |
Levan Shoshiashvili has defended his Ph.D. thesis on a theme "Computer Modeling of Human and Animal Exposure to Electromagnetic Field".
2009 |
Vasil Tabatadze "Application of The MAS for photonic crystals and inverse problems computer simulation". |
2009 |
Alexander Razmadze "Investigation of Electromagnetic Field Exposure of Human Body". |
2011 |
Mikheil Prishvin "Study of weak RF exposure influence on a realistic human model". |
2013 |
Ivan Petoev "Studying of Electrodynamic Properties of Periodic Structures for Some Characteristics of Complex Materials" |
2015 |
Veriko Jeladze "The Human Model EM Exposure Study for Small Distances and Large-Scale Scenarios" |
Tamar Nozadze "The study of the communication frequencies radiation influence on a human in a different physical conditions"
LAE Software
Antenna Designer |

We present Software Package, corresponding numerical and experimental results dealing with EMC/SAR problems in wireless communication systems. The goal is to study the distributed system – radiating antenna together with the handset and interaction of this device with the users hand and head in order to minimize the SAR. When the wavelength of the radiated field is comparable with the dimensions of objects in the vicinity, these objects will affect all electrodynamic characteristics of the antenna. In order to accurately determine the radiation efficiency and directivity of an antenna, one must consider all geometric objects within the vicinity of the antenna, including the user’s hand, head and the handset itself. In order to achieve the best radiation characteristics of the antenna and have the minimum of the SAR we can get definitive results after solution of this complex, distributed electrodynamics problem. The problem is to create a efficient and safe antenna structure for use in Personal Communication Facilities both in portable handsets and base stations. We considered a pear shaped metallic antenna covered with a thin dielectric layer. It’s very important to choice a good parameters of antenna for well matching with free space and feeding cable. The MAS based software package has been created to perform the numerical simulations of the above described complex system. The handy interface was developed to simplify the changes of the antenna’s geometry and its material properties. Also the experimental prototype of the antenna has been developed and the comparative measurements have been conducted.
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Car Problem Solver |

Sensitive electronic components and subsystems – such as microprocessor boards, etc. are essential parts of modern civilian and military systems like the cars, airplanes, communication, traffic management and safety systems. A failure in these systems could cause a major accident or economic disaster. Therefore the susceptibility of modern electronic systems to multiple-frequency EM fields is of great interest. Of particular interest is the development of a modeling methodology that leads itself to very efficient computer algorithm implementation. The reason for this is that the geometric complexity of system-level EMI/EMC problems is such that the discrete approximations of the associated electromagnetic boundary problems result in matrix problems of very large dimensions that challenge the computational resources of most state-of-the-art engineering design computer workstations. Our objective is to demonstrate the efficiency of the MAS to the 3-D EMC problems. We apply this formalism to the EMC problem for the vehicles with some lossy dielectric body simulating the driver inside it. The source of the electromagnetic wave, which produced initial, incident field, may be some inner antenna, electronic devices or some outer electromagnetic source. The MAS application makes it possible to easily calculate induced currents on the inner and outer surfaces of the cavities with apertures such as windows. The enhanced electromagnetic field at resonance frequencies inside the vehicle model creates an undesirable influence on the passengers’ health as well as on the sensitive electronic systems inside the vehicle.
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PBG Structures Designer |

The variety of microwave devices such as mixers, filters and splitters can be effectively created using a photonic crystal as a core element. Devices like mixers, separators, frequency filters, splitters etc. are widely used in the superhigh frequency band The growth of operating frequency much more complicates the preparation of such devices. At the sub-millimeter and optical frequencies the special type devices, referred to as photonic devices, become extremely efficient. The main part of such device is a dielectric crystal with appropriately arranged defects. Due to the nature of photonic crystals there are gaps in their spectrum that cause some frequencies to be filtered out – and some – to pass through. The ordinary absorbing medium transforms the power of electromagnetic wave to heat. However, the band-gap does not dissipate energy – but rather in this case the energy is accumulated and can be supplied to some desirable direction. The distribution of defects in the crystal defines its behavior with respect to the penetrating wave. Correspondingly, the crystal can split, mix, or filter the incident wave. So, in this way one can construct the several “canal” to the crystal. Namely, having different resonant capabilities the channels will exarticulate the carriers of different frequencies from the incoming signal. In general an experimental investigation of such the structures is sufficiently expensive, time consuming and in some cases is impossible at all. The main reasons for this are some of the system’s properties that can’t be changed continuously on-the-fly, and technical limitations for defect’s positions to be chosen arbitrarily. We have developed the program package for a numerical simulation of the wave propagation in FPC structures. The created software is intended to real-time FPC analysis and development for the device performance optimization. Some numerical results are presented below.
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Body Shape Determination |

The contact less determination of the shape and position of a latent body has the numerous applications in different branches of science and technology. It may be used in Applied Electrodynamics, in Tomography, in Medicine for investigation of the internal organs, in Archeology for the study of fragile archeological samples, in Military Engineering for detection of explosive substances etc. Sometimes such method is an only possible way to investigate the body when a direct contact to the body is undesirable, dangerous, or impossible at all. In this topic we present the algorithm and software package for the shape and position of a latent body reconstruction using the recovered electromagnetic or acoustic scattered fields. The holographic approach to the reconstruction of scattered field based on the MAS. These articles mainly deal with the visualization of the scattered field singularities. Some experimental measurements have proved the validity of the proposed approach. The visualization of the body embedded within a dielectric media may be achieved whenever the dielectric media is transparent for particular frequency of the incident wave. The whole determination of the shape of a latent body requires this body to be illuminated from different sides with the different frequencies waves. The resolution of the recovered illuminated part is closely related to the number of incident frequencies.
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