Prof. Revaz S. Zaride’s 80th Year’s AnniversaryThis year, Prof. REVAZ S. ZARIDZE, emeritus of Tbilisi State University, a well-known scientist in the field of radio physics, computational physics and modeling, who developed the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) in applied electrodynamics, celebrated his 80th year’s anniversary. Prof. Reviaz Zaridze at the EMCoS Users’ Meeting, 25th May, 2018, Nuremberg, Germany Prof. Zaridze was born in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, USSR, on May 8, 1938. In 1962 he graduated from Tbilisi State University (TSU) with Master Degree in low temperature physics. He was accepted as a radio engineer at the Department of Semiconductors’ Physics in TSU. In 1965 he was accepted as an assistant professor at the Department of General Physics where he was teaching the laboratory and practical lessons in general physics for students of the Physics Department. He received his Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) degree in radiophysics, including quantum radiophysics, from the TSU, Georgia, in 1973. Academician M. Mirianashvili, the head of Department of General Physics, was an adviser of Prof. Zaridze’s Ph.D. thesis. Title of the thesis was “The Method of Discrete Sources and Collocation Method in 2-D Electrodynamics Problems”. At that time, the rector of the TSU was academician I. Vekua, thanks to whom the university got powerful in the USSR computers (two parallel BESM-6 and M220). It was a great chance to use the numerical methods for solving many engineering problems. Meanwhile in 1968 academician V. Kupradze published several papers about some approximations method in mathematical physics, which became the base of the developed method of auxiliary sources (MAS). According to these studies, the scattered field can be analytically continued from the smooth surface of a scatters. The unknown scattered field in each physical region can be represented as the superposition of the fields of auxiliary sources with unknown amplitudes, distributed on some auxiliary surfaces, shifted from the real one. All these statements were proved by V. Kupradze theoretically. Using this approach to the particular problems, one was showed that in some cases convergence of the results of calculations is good but in some cases they diverge. It was not determined: 1. how far could the auxiliary sources be displaced from the real surface; 2. which conditions must be satisfied by the auxiliary surfaces. Deep understanding of the scattered field’s singularities let us to apply the MAS method for solving different types of diffraction, inverse and interior problems with high accuracy. Starting from 1973, R. Zaridze together with young scientists and Ph.D. students developed the MAS step by step, using it for solving applied electrodynamic problems. He was the first who organized special group of students and young scientists (SKB) at the department of General Physics, where modern applied problems were performed. In 1981, the SKB was renamed into the Laboratory of Applied Electrodynamics. In 1986 Revaz Zaridze has received the Doctor of Science Degree in radiophysics from the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE), Moscow, Russia. His D.Sc. thesis “The MAS in Applied Electrodynamics” was a new direction in electrodynamics. In 1984 and 1988 Prof. Zaridze was invited as a lecturer at “All Union School for Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists” on the MAS topics. Starting from 1990 he was invited to Greece, Germany, Switzerland, and USA with goal to introduce the MAS. From 1995 up to 2006 he was a contractor for Motorola Company solving and modeling their engineering problems. The scientific results of Prof. R. Zaridze are very impressive and well known in the scientific community. He is the author of seven brochures on MAS topics and more than 250 papers in the international scientific journals and conference proceedings. He is scientific advisor of more than 30 Ph.D. defended degrees. His former Ph.D. students are working in different countries as very successful scientists and lecturers. During his researches he was in permanent scientific contacts with Lev Vainshtein, Iakob Feld, Evgeni Vasilev and other famous scientists in USSR, who had an influence on forming R. Zaridze as a researcher. He had very close and continuous collaboration with Prof. B. Z. Katsenelenbaum. Prof. R. Zaridze, together with Prof. B. Z. Katsenelenbaum and Prof. N. Voitovich worked intensively on organizing the international scientific cooperation. Since 1982, they established a popular scientific forum in the field of high frequency electrodynamics. The forum participants were scientists from Ukraine, Russia, and Georgia. This event was started as a type of scientific cooperation between the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow, Russia, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, and Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lviv, Ukraine. Thanks to their enthusiasms, the forum got the title “Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED)” and transformed into the annual International Seminar/Workshop. DIPED was held annually in Lviv and in Tbilisi until 1990. It united the scientists and engineers from different cities of FSU, as well as from the neighboring countries. The young scientists freely contacted with more experienced colleagues and felt comfortable in their company during this event. At the beginning of 90s the work of the DIPED was temporary interrupted for unscientific reasons. Nevertheless, the event was renewed in 1995 thanks to the technical and financial support of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Thanks to Prof. Zaridze’s effort, in 1995, the IEEE MTT/ED/AP Georgian Chapter was established. This was the first IEEE Chapter in the region of Transcaucasia of the former SU. Since that time, the DIPED Seminar/Workshop turned into the annual event technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, Electron Devices Society, IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EP/SSC West Ukraine Chapter, and IEEE MTT/ED/AP Georgian Chapter. The success of previous DIPED forums and conferences is merit of the perseverance, organizational efforts and permanent care of Prof. Zaridze. The DIPED-2018 Organizing and Program Committees, his colleagues and friends wish to Prof. Zaridze a good health, new creative ideas and scientific achievements. |