Main Staff of Lae
Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) Associate Professor David Karkashadze
Date and Place of Birth: |
February 16 , 1949, Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR |
E-mail: |
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Educational Background:
June 1981 |
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.) in Radio-physics and Quantum Electronics, TSU, Georgia. |
June 1971 |
Master's degree in Radio-physics and Quantum Electronics, TSU, Georgia. |
Institutional affiliation:
1971-1978 |
Laboratory Assistant, Department of General Physics, TSU, Georgia. |
1978-1985 |
Assistant Professor, Department of General Physics, TSU, Tbilisi, Georgia. |
1981 to present |
The Head of Theoretical Department of Laboratory of Applied Electrodynamics, Tbilisi State University, Georgia |
1985 to present |
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Tbilisi State University, Georgia |
Teaching first three-year courses in mechanic, electricity and magnetism, wave phenomena and optics. Presented lectures and led problem-solving session with students of the physics department. |
Area of expertise: |
- Research/Analytic work in Radio-physics and Applied Electrodynamics (25 years experience)
- Software development and computer simulation of EM processes (25 years experience)
Invite Lectures: |
connected with conceived and created Numerical Method of Auxiliary Sources for Solution the problems of Applied Electrodynamics |
1984 |
All-Union School-Seminar on Diffraction and Wave Propagation for Young Scientists and Ph.D students. Volokolamsk, near the Moscow. USSR |
1988 |
All-Union School-Seminar on Diffraction and Wave Propagation for Young Scientists and Ph.D students. Chistopol, near the Kazan, Russian |
1995 |
Latsis Symposium on Computational Electromagnetics. Zurich, Switzerland |
1998 |
7th International Conference on Complex Media. Braunshvaig, Germany |
Awards and Honors:
1977 |
The Science and Technology State Prize of Georgia for young scientists |
1996-1999 |
Grant of International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP), Soros Associate Professor |
1996 |
Member of IEEE and Chapter Co-Organizer of IEEE Division ED/MTT/AP/EMC Societies in Republic of Georgia |
Research Interests: |
- Numerical methods for solution diffraction and wave propagation problems;
- Theoretical and experimental investigation of electrodynamics problems;
- Electromagnetic modeling and simulation of electrodynamics phenomena;
- ESD and Transient field calculation;
- Wave scattering and propagation in complex (Chiral and Bi-anizotropic) media;
- Computer simulation of EM processes and development of EM software for engineering.
List of selected publications
- R.S.Zaridze, D.D.Karkashadze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. The numerical solution of the diffraction problem on the infinity multi-layer grating. Soobschenia AN GSSR, 1976, 82, 2
- R.S.Zaridze, D.D.Karkashadze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. Investigation of the diffraction field of the infinity multi-layer cylindrical grating. Theses of the IX republic guidance conference of the Georgia College's physicists, 1976, Tbilisi.
- R.S.Zaridze, D.D.Karkashadze, Z.S.Tsverikmazashvili. The estimation possibility for the calculation results error when solving some of diffraction problems. Theses of the IX republic guidance conference of the Georgia College's physicists, 1976, Tbilisi.
- R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, K. Mtiulishvili, "Solution of the Diffraction Problems on the Complicate Shape Body by Method of Composition," Seventh All-Union Symposium of Diffraction and Wave Propagation, Vol, 3, pp. 83-85, Moscow, 1977.
- R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, G. Ahvlediani, and J. Khatiashvili, "Investigation of Possibilities of the Method of Auxiliary Sources in Solution of two-dimensional Electrodynamics Problems", Radiotechnics and Electronics, Vol. 22, No.2, Moscow, 1978.
- R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze and J. Khatiashvili, "The Method of Auxiliary Sources for Investigation of Along-Regular Waveguides", Tbilisi State University Publisher, p.150, Tbilisi, 1985.
- R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, G. Talakvadze, J. Khatiashvili, Z. Tsverikmazashvili, "A Method of Auxiliary Sources in Applied Electrodynamics", URSI International Symposium of E/M Theory, Budapest, Hungary, 1986.
- R. Zaridze and D. Karkashadze, " The Method of Auxiliary Sources and wave field singularities", Lecture Cycles, University of Kazan. 1988.
- R. Zaridze, R. Jobava, N. Adzinba, M. Doroshenko and D. Karkashadze, "Solution of Transient Two-dimensional Diffraction Problem by Retard Potentials Technique", Radiotechnics and Electronics, Vol. 36, No.1, Moscow, 1991.
- Karkashadze D.D., Metshvarishvili D.A., Shubitidze P.I. Applied Program Product Based on the Auxiliary Sources Method. Proceedings of the Seminar/ Workshop "Numerical Solution of Direct and Inverse Problems of the Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves Theory (DIPED-95)" Supported by IEEE. Lviv, Ukraine, Sept. 19-21, 1995. pp. 43-44.
- R. Zaridze, R.Jobava, D.Karkashadze, D.Pommerenke, "Irradiation of Volumid Body", Electrostatic Discharge Problems Symposium Phoenix, Arizona, Sep. 1995.
- D. Karkashadze and R. Zaridze, "The Method of Auxiliary Sources in Applied Electrodynamics", Latsis Symposium on Computational Electromagnetics, Zurich, 19-21 September, 1995, Invited Lectures. pp. 163-180.
- Zaridze R.S., Karkashadze D.D., Jobava R.G., Pommerenke D., Aidam M. "Calculation and Measurement of Transient Fields of Voluminous Objects." Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium Proceedings. Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Sept. 12-14 1995, pp. 95-101. IEEE Catalog No. 95TH8088. ISBN: 1-878303-59-7/0-7803-2710-1 (Microfiche Edition).
- R.G. Jobava, R.S. Zaridze, D.D. Karkashadze, Ph.I. Shubitidze, "The method of retarded potentials in the three dimensional pulse scattering problem on perfectly conducted bodies", Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Science, v.152, N.2, 1995, pp. 284-291.
- Djobava R.G., Zaridze R.S., Karkashadze D.D., Shubitidze P.I. The Retarded Potentials Technique for Pulses Scattering on the Perfectly Conducting Three-dimensional Bodies. Proceedings of the Seminar/Workshop "Numerical Solution of Direct and Inverse Problems of the Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves Theory (DIPED-95)" Supported by IEEE. L'viv, Ukraine, Sept. 19-21 1995, pp. 41-42.
- R.G. Jobava, Ph.I. Shubitidze, R. Zaridze, D.D. Karkashadze, "Investigation of the Transient Electromagnetic Field Radiated of Scattered by three-dimensional Conducting Bodies", MMET'96 VI-th International Conference Proceedings in Mathematical Method in Electromagnetic Theory, September 10-13, 1996, Lviv, Ukraine pp.323-327. IEEE Catalog No. 96TH8183. ISBN: 966-02-0026-9/0-7803-3291-1 (Microfiche Edition).
- R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, R. Djobava, D. Pommerenke, M. Aidam, "Numerical Calculation and Measurement of Transient Fields from Electrostatic Discharges", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Part C. Manufacturing, July 1996, Volume 19, Number 3, 178-183 pp.
- Bogdanov F.G., Zaridze R.S., Karkashadze D.D., Shubitidze Ph.I. Modified Auxiliary Sources Method for Investigation of Diffraction on the Volominous Bodies of Complicated Form. "MMET'96 VI-th International Conference in Mathematical Method in Electromagnetic Theory". Proceedings. September 10-13, 1996, Lviv, Ukraine pp. 65-69. IEEE Catalog No. 96TH8183., ISBN: 966-02-0026-9/0-7803-3291-1 (Microfiche Edition).
- R. Jobava, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze, Ph. Shubitidze, D. Pommerenke, M.Aidam. Numerical Calculation of ESD. "Electrical Overstress Electrostatic Discharge Symposium Proceedings". September 9-12, 1996, Orlando, Florida, USA. P.P 203-211. IEEE Catalog No. 96TH8150, ISBN: 1-878303-69-4/0-7803-3101-6 (Microfiche Edition).
- Karkashadze D.D., Zaridze R.S., Jobava R.G, Bogdanov F.G., Shubitidze Ph.I., "The Method of Auxiliary Sources in Problem of Chirality. "XXV-th General Assembly of international union of radio science, URSI", August 28-September 5, 1996, Lille France, pp. 39.
- Jobava R.G., Zaridze R.S., Karkashadze D.D., Shubitidze Ph.I., Development of the Method of Auxiliary Sources for Scattering Problems in Time Domain. "XXV-th General Assembly of international union of radio science, URSI." August 28-September 5, 1996, Lille France, pp. 108.
- R.Jobava, R.Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, D. Pommerenke, Ph. Shubitidze, G.Bit-Babik. Investigation of the Transient Fields of Perfectly Conducting Rotational Bodies. "Trans Black Sea Region Symposium on Applied Electromagnetism". Metsovo, Epirus Greece 17-19 April 1996 pp. 4 FSTE.
- R.Jobava, R.Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, G.Bit-Babik, Ph.Shubitidze, The Methods of Auxiliary Sources for Two Dimensional Time Domain Scattering Problems. "Trans Black Sea Region Symposium on Applied Electromagnetism". Metsovo, Epirus Greece 17-19 April 1996 pp. DISC 4.
- Zaridze R.S., Karkashadze D.D Bogdanov F.G., Shubitidze Ph.I. Modificated Auxiliary Sources Method for investigation of diffraction on the voluminous bodies of complicated shape. - Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory. -Lviv, Ukraine, 1996, pp. 69-72.
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D., Zaridze R.S., Jobava R.G.: Electromagnetic Scattering and Diffraction Problems by Chiral and Biisotropic Bodies of Complicated Shape: Abstracts of URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 1997, p. 86.
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D., Jobava R.G., Zaridze R.S.: Method of auxiliary sources for diffraction problems in complex media. Abstracts of International Symposium (PIERS), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1997, p. 863.
- Shubitidze P., Jobava R., Karkashadze D., Pommerenke D., Zaridze R. (1997): Electrostatic discharge of objects with surface resistance. Bulletin of Georgian Academy of Sciences, v. 155, No. 2, 1997, 185-190.
- Jobava, D. Karkashadze, D. Pommerenke, Ph. Shubitidze, R. Zaridze, M. Aidam, G. Bit-Babik. Computer Simulation of ESD. 12th International Zurich Symposium & Technical Exhibition on: "Electromagnetic compatibility". Zurich, February 18-20, 1997, pp. 109- 114. ISBN 3-9521199-1-1.
- R. Jobava, R. Zaridze, P. Shubitidze, N. Adzinba, D. Pommerenke, D. Karkashadze, A. Shapovalov. "Investigation of aperture penetration of transient fields into a cylindrical cavity". Proceedings of International Seminar/Workshop Organized by Ukraine MTT/ED/AP IEEE Chapter "Numerical Solution of Direct and Inverse Problems of the Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves Theory (DIPED-97)". Lviv, Ukraine, Sept. 15-17, 1997 pp. 23-25. ISBN 966-02-0296-2.
- Jobava R., Karkashadze D., Pommerenke D., Shubitidze P., Zaridze R., Aidam M. (1997): Method of Moments for the computation of transient fields of electrostatic discharge. Proceedings of Int. Symp. PIERS, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 7-11, 1997, p.195.
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D., D.A. Metzhkvariashvili, Zaridze R.S., "Investigation of Diffraction Properties of the Single and periodical Scatterers made of Complex Materials". Proceedings of International Seminar/Workshop Organized by Ukraine MTT/ED/AP IEEE Chapter "Numerical Solution of Direct and Inverse Problems of the Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves Theory (DIPED-97)". Lviv, Ukraine, Sept. 15-17, 1997 pp. 15-17. ISBN 966-02-0296-2.
- R.G. Jobava, D.D. Karkashadze, R.S. Zaridze, G.G. Bit-Babik, P.I. Shubitidze. "The method of Auxiliary Sources in the transient scattering problems," Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 7-11, 1997, p. 883.
- R. Jobava, R. Zaridze, P. Shubitidze, D. Karkashadze, G. Bit-Babik. "Penetration of Transient Fields of ESD into Two-dimensional Cavity," COST 243 Workshop, EMC in Telecommunication Networks and EMC on Printed Circuit Boards and Their Enclosures. European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research. Paderborn, Germany, ISBN 3-00-002067-5, April 7-8, 1997, pp. 36-40.
- R.Jobava, R. Zaridze, Ph. Shubitidze, D. Pommerenke, D. Karkashadze, A. Shapovalov. "Aperture Penetration of Transient Fields of ESD Into a Two- Dimensional Cavity". Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of sciences vol. 156, 3, 1997, pp-394-397.
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D. Conventional Method of Auxiliary Sources in the Problems of Electromagnetic scattering by the Bodies of Complex Materials. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering - Theory and Applications, Edited by Thomas Wriedt, Yuri Eremin, Universitat Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 1998, pp. 133-140. ISBN 3-88722-413-2.
- Bogdanov F., Karkashadze D., Metzhkvarishvili D., Ph.Shubitidze. Control of Electromagnetic radiation and Scattering by the Usage of Smart Coatings. Proceedings of 1998 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET 98). - Kharkov, Ukraine, 1998, v. 2, p. 544. IEEE Catalog No. 98EX114, ISBN: 0-7803-4360-3/ 0-7803-4361-1 (Microfiche Edition), Library of Congress: 97-80498.
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D. "Accumulating, directing and focusing properties of 2-D and 3-D objects of biisotropic materials". Proceedings of III International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-98), Lviv-Tbilisi, 1998, pp. 93-96. IEEE Catalog No. 98EX163, ISBN: 966-02-0621-6/ 0-7803-4858-3 (Microfiche Edition).
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D., Metzhkvarishvili D.A. Use of the thin coatings to control characteristics of radiating and scattering objects. Proceedings of III International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-98), Lviv-Tbilisi, 1998, pp. 97-100. IEEE Catalog No. 98EX163, ISBN: 966-02-0621-6/ 0-7803-4858-3 (Microfiche Edition).
- R.Jobava, D.Pommerenke, D.Karkashadze, P.Shubitidze, R. Zaridze, S. Frei, R. Beria, A. Gheonjian. "Computer simulation of ESD from cone". Proceedings of III International Seminar/Workshop ORGANIZED BY UKRAINE MTT/ED/AP IEEE CHAPTER "Numerical Solution of Direct and Inverse Problems of the Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves Theory (DIPED-98)". Tbilisi, Georgia, November. 2-3, 1998.pp 111-113.
- Lomidze, D. Karkashadze, J. Javakhishvili, G. Kartvelishvili and G. Khutsishvili, The necessity of the account of static field in non-stationary interference of electromagnetic packages, Bulletin of Georgian Academy of Sciences, v. 158, No. 2, 1998, p.p. 44-47.
- R. Jobava, D. Karkashadze, P. Shubitidze, R. Zaridze, D. Pommerenke, S. Frey, W. Kalkner. "Computer Simulation of Electromagnetic Discharge (EMC Application). Tbilisi-Berlin, 1998, pp.55.
- R. Zaridze, G. Bit-Babik, D. Karkashadze, R. Jobava, D. Economou and N. Uzunoglu. "The Method of Auxiliary (MAS) Sources, Solution of propagation, Diffraction and Inverse Problems using MAS. Institute of Communication and Computers Systems," Athens, Greece, 1998, pp. 52.
- G. Bit-Babik, R. Jobava, R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, P. Shubitidze. "The Method of Auxiliary Sources for Scattering Problems in Time Domain." The Bulletin of Georgian Academy of Sciences, vol. 157, No. 2, 1998, 4 pages.
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D., Zaridze R.S. Propagation in and scattering by biisotropic objects of complicated shape. - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complex Media (Bianisotropic'98), Edited by Arne F.Jacob and Jens Reinert, Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, 1998, pp. 133-136.
- Ph. Shubitidze, R. Jobava, R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, R. Beria, D. Pommerenke, S. Frei. FDTD method in problems of penetration of transient fields of electrostatic discharge into a cavity. Proceedings of 1998 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET 98). - Kharkov, Ukraine, 1998, v. 1, p. 327-329. IEEE Catalog No. 98EX114, ISBN: 0-7803-4360-3/ 0-7803-4361-1 (Microfiche Edition), Library of Congress: 97-80498.
- P. Shubitidze, R. Jobava, D. Karkashadze, D. Pommerenke, R. Zaridze "Computer Simulation of ESD from Object with Surface Resistance", Fourteenth International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility June 23-25, 1998. pp.511-514. ISBN 83-901999-6-3.
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D., Zaridze R.S. New Materials Design: Scattering Problems and the Method of Auxiliary Sources. Proceedings of III International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-98), Lviv-Tbilisi, 1998, pp. 18-21. IEEE Catalogue No. 98EX163, ISBN: 966-02-0621-6/ 0-7803-4858-3 (Microfiche Edition).
- R. Jobava, D. Karkashadze, D. Pommerenke, P. Shubitidze, R. Zaridze, M. Aidam. Computer Simulation of Electrostatic Discharge Phenomena. Moscow, edition AN USSR, ISSN 0033-8494
- R. Zaridze, R. Jobava, G. Bit-Babik, D. Karkashadze, D. Economou, N. Uzunoglu, "The Method of Auxiliary Sources and Scattered Field Singularities (Caustics). Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications," Cambridge, MA, USA, 1998, ISSN 0920-5071, Vol. 12, pp1491-1507, 1998.
- K. Tavzarashvili, D. Metskhvarishvili, D. Karkashadze. "Computer Simulation and Optimizing of Focusing and Narrowdirect Radiation Systems." Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 158, 13, 1998. pp. 35-38
- P. Shubitidze, R. Jobava, R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, R. Beria, D.Pommerenke, Frei "Numerical study of the coupling of transient fields of ESD into a cavity" Proceedings of III International Seminar/Workshop ORGANIZED BY UKRAINE MTT/ED/AP IEEE CHAPTER "Numerical Solution of Direct and Inverse Problems of the Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves Theory (DIPED-98)". Tbilisi, Georgia, November. 2-3, 1998, pp 108-110.
- R. Jobava, P. Shubitidze, R. Beria, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze, A. Gheonjian (1998): Aperture Penetration of Fields Radiated by ESD into a Rectangular Cavity. Bulletin of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi, Georgia.
- R. Jobava, D. Pommerenke, A. Gheonjian, D. Karkashadze (1999): FDTD modeling of nonlinear spark in electrostatic discharge, Electronics Letters, 28th Oct. 1999, Vol. 35, No. 22, pp. 1897-1898.
- F.G. Bogdanov, D.D. Karkashadze, R.S. Zaridze. The Method of Auxiliary Sources in Electromagnetic Scattering Problems. North-Holland, Mechanics and Mathematical Methods, A Series of Handbooks. First Series: Computational Methods in Mechanics. Vol. 4, Generalized Multipole Techniques for Electromagnetic and Light Scattering, edited by Thomas Wreidt. Chapter 7, pp. 143-172, 1999.
- R. Zaridze, G. Bit-Babik, P. Shubitidze, R. Jobava, K. Tavzarashvili, D. Karkashadze. Generalized Method of Auxiliary Sources. 4th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory and Applications. Vigo, September 20-21, 1999. pp. 289-294.
- F.G. Bogdanov, D.D. Karkashadze, G.A. Saparishvili, R. Zaridze. Computer Simulation of High-Frequency Scattering by the Bodies of Composite Materials. 4th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory and Applications. Vigo, September 20-21, 1999. pp. 295-303.
- G. Bit-Babik, Ph. Shubitidze, R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, K. Tavzarashvili, A. Bijamov. "Generalized Method of Auxiliary Sources (Integrated Auxiliary Sources)." Proceedings of IV International Seminar Workshop, Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, DIPED-99, October 21-23, 1999, Lviv, Ukraine. IEEE Catalog Number 99TH8402, ISBN 966-02-0864-2, 0-7803-5409-5, pp. 97-100.
- R. Jobava, D. Pommerenke, P. Shubitidze, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze, S. Frei, A. Geonjian "Computer Simulation of Currents and Fields of Human Electrostatic Discharge" 7th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control Telecommunications/Signal Processing. 28 June - 2 July 1999, Athens Greece.
- F.Shubitidze, R. Jobava, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze "Transient Electrodynamics of Electrostatic Discharge From object with Impedance Surface " XXVI General Assembly of the International Union Radio Science, August 13-21, 1999, Toronto, Canada.
- F. Shubitidze, R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, D. Economou, D.I. Kaklamani, H. Anastassiu, N. Uzunoglu "Application of the method of auxiliary sources to 3D open structures"15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications ICECOM'99 October 11-13, 1999, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- R. Zaridze, R. Jobava, D. Karkashadze, D. Pommerenke, P. Shubitidze, S. Frei, M. Aidam. "Computer Simulation of ESD from Voluminous Objects Compared to Transient Fields of Humans". 2000 IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility, February 2000, Vol. 42, No. 1, ISSN 0018-9375, pp. 54-65.
- D. Karkashadze, F. Bogdanov, R. Zaridze. Spinor Formalism of the Scattering Problem Solution upon Chiral and Biisotropic Objects. Second International Symposium of Trans Black Sea Region on Applied Electrodynamics, 27-29 June, 2000, Xanthi, Greece.
- F. Bogdanov, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze, G. Bit-Babik, K. Tavzarashvili. Computation and Design of Portable Adaptive Antenna with Chiral Coating. Second International Symposium of Trans Black Sea Region on Applied Electrodynamics, 27-29 June, 2000, Xanthi, Greece.
- R.S. Zaridze, F.G. Bogdanov, D.D. Karkashadze, "General Formulation And MAS Solution Of The Scattering Problem Upon The Arbitrary 3D Structure Of Complex Materials," Vth International Seminar\Workshop, Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, DIPED-2000, October 3-6, 2000, Tbilisi Georgia, ISBN 966-02-1463-4, IEEE Catalog Number 00TH8508, pp. 21-24.
- R.S. Zaridze, F.G. Bogdanov, D.D. Karkashadze, G.G. Bit-Babic, K.N. Tavzarashvili, O.A. Kharshiladze "About Design of the Adaptive Antenna With Chiral Coating for Portable Cellular Phones" Vth International Seminar\Workshop, Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, DIPED-2000, October 3-6, 2000, Tbilisi Georgia, ISBN 966-02-1463-4, IEEE Catalog Number 00TH8508, pp. 27-30.
- Bogdanov F.G., Karkashadze D.D., Zaridze R.S. Shattering and Absorption Problems Solution upon the 3-D Chiral and Biisotropic Objects. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media (Bianisotropic 2000), Edited by Afonso M.Barbosa and Antonio L. Topa, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000, 233-236.
- R.S. Zaridze, F.G. Bogdanov, D.D. Karkashadze "Computation and Visualization of 2-D and 3-D Scattering Problems upon the Objects of Complex Shape, Material Filling and Excitation". 5th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory, Measurements, and Applications. August 28 - September 1, 2000, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- R. Jobava, D. Pommerenke, D. Karkashadze, P. Shubitidze, R. Zaridze, S. Frei, M. Aidam. Computer Simulation of ESD From Voluminous Objects Copared to Transient Fields of Humans. IEEE Transactions on Compatibility.
- R. Zaridze, F. Bogdanov, D. Karkashadze K.Tavzarashvili, A. Bijamov "Electrodynamical Properties Of Some Complex Materials Objects" 2001 IEEE Antenna &Propagation Society International Symposium, July 8-13, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. IEEE Catalogue Number: 01CH37229, ISNB 0-7803-7070-8. pp. 389.
- D.Karkashadze "On Status of Main Singularities in 3D Scattering Problems". Proceedings of VIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2001), Lviv, Ukraine, September 18-20, 2001, pp. 81-84.
- D.Karkashadze, R.Jobava, S.Frei, B.Soziashvili "A Fast Method Of Auxiliary Sources Based Calculation Of The Capacitance And Inductance Matrices", Proceedings of VIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2001), Lviv, Ukraine, September 18-20, 2001, pp. 187-190.
- D.D.Karkashadze, F.G.Bogdanov, R.S.Zaridze, A.Y.Bijamov, C.Hafner, and D.Erni. "Simulation of Finite Photonic Crystals Made of Biisotropic or Chiral Material. Using the Method of Auxiliary Sources". Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials. Edited by Said Zouhdi, Ari Sihvola and Mohamed Arsalane, NATO Science Series. II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry - Vol. 89, pp. 175-193.
- Zaridze R., Karkashadze D., Tavzarashvili K., Bijamov A., Tabatadze V., Hafner Ch., Erni D., Moreno E.. "PBG Devices Based On Periodic Structures With Defects". 2002 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, June 16-21, 2002, vol. 2, pp. 856-859.
- R. Zaridze, A. Bijamov, D. Karkashadze, K. Tavzarashvili, V. Tabatadze, I. Paroshina, C. Hafner, D. Erni. "Some Antenna Devices Based on PBG Systems". 2003 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and USNC/CNC/URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, June 22-27, 2003, Columbus, OH, USA. IEEE Catalog #03CH37450C
- R. Jobava, D. Karkashadze, S. Frei, A. Gheonjian, E. Yavolovskaia, A. Grachev. "Equivalent circuit approach in solution of low frequency automotive EMC problems". Proceedings of VIIIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2003), Lviv, September 23-25, 2003. pp. 22-27
- A. Bijamov, I. Paroshina, D. Karkashadze. "Simulation of optical control devices based on photonic band structures". Proceedings of VIIIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2003), Lviv, September 23-25, 2003. pp. 59-62
- D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze, A. Bijamov, Ch. Hafner, J. Smajic, D. Erni. "Reflection compensation scheme for the efficient and accurate computation of waveguide discontinuities in photonic crystals", Aces Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1a, March 2004, pp. 10-21.
- D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze, A. Bijamov, Ch. Hafner, J. Smajic, D. Erni, "MAS and MMP Simulations of Photonic Crystal Devices". Extended Papers Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS-2004). March 28-31, 2004, Pisa, Italy. pp. 29-32.
- R.S. Zaridze, D.D. Karkashadze, A.Y. Bijamov, V. Tabatadze, I. Paroshina. "Simulation of the Finite Photonic Crystals and HF Circuits Based on Complex Materials". Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, June 20-26, 2004, Monterey, California. AP/URSI B Session: 78, p. 141
- R. Zaridze, D. Karkashadze, D. Kakulia, K. Tavzarashvili, G. Ghvedashvili. "The Method of Auxiliary Sources in Applied Electrodynamics". Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET -2004). September 14-17, 2004. Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine. IEEE: 04EX840. ISBN: 0-7803-8441-5. pp. 69-72.
- R.S. Zaridze, D.D. Karkashadze, A.Y. Bijamov, I.U. Paroshina. "Contactless photonic crystal microcircuit based method for dielectric body remote exploration". Proceedings of IXth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2004), October 11-14, 2004, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 11-13.
- D. Karkashadze, R. Jobava, S. Frei, D. Topchishvili, G. Muchaidze. "Calculation of 3D capacitances of wires with hybrid MoM/MAS approach". Proceedings of IXth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2004), October 11-14, 2004, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 61-64.
- D. G. Kakulia, D. D. Karkashadze, K. N. Tavzarashvili, G. N. Ghvedashvili, R. S. Zaridze, D. J. Pommerenke, Kai Xiao. "M.A.S.-M.o.M. hybrid method with wire's image using in excitation problems". Proceedings of IXth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2004), October 11-14, 2004, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 69-72.
- K. N. Tavzarashvili, G. N. Ghvedashvili, D. G. Kakulia, D. D. Karkashadze, R. S. Zaridze. "The method of auxiliary sources and eigen-function series representation for modeling of the open cable radiation problem". Proceedings of IXth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2004), October 11-14, 2004, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 73-76.
K. Tavzarashvili, D. Karkashadze, Ch. Hafner, Cui Xudong. '"Efficient field solvers for the analysis of photonic crystal filter". Proceedings of Xth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2005), September 12-15, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine. pp. 164-167.
A.Y. Bijamov (Jr), R.S. Zaridze, D.D. Karkashadze. "Methodology of determination of BI-media parameters through the investigation of scattered EM fields". Proceedings of Xth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2005), September 12-15, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine. pp. 172-175.
F.G. Bogdanov, G.Sh. Kevanishvili, I.G. Kevanishvili, D.D. Karkashadze. "Optimization strategy for multiport waveguide junctions with canonical types of artificial discontinuities". Proceedings of Xth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2005), September 12-15, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine. pp. 11-14.
R. Jobava, L. Diaz, D. Karkashadze, F. Bogdanov, E. Yavolovskaya, A. Gheonjian, I. Badzagua, S. Iosava. "Development of simulation model for shielded twisted pair cables in EMC immunity problems". Proceedings of Xth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2005), September 12-15, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine. pp. 84-89.
I. Lomidze, D. Karkashadze, J. Javakhishvili. "Relativistic rotation and classic electrodynamics validity limit". Proceedings of Xth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2005), September 12-15, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine. pp. 123-126.
- R. G. Jobava, D. D. Karkashadze, D. Pommerenke, F. I. Shubitidze, R. S. Zaridze, and M. Aidam. "Computer Simulation of Electrostatic Discharge". Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 7, 2005, pp. 735-743
A. Bijamov Jr, D. Kakulia, G. Saparishvili, T. Gogua, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze. "Computer Simulation of 3D Complex Material-Based Devices". Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET-2006). June 26-29, 2006. Kharkiv, Ukraine. pp. 424-426.
- D. Kakulia, G. Kajaia, G. Ghvedashvili, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze. "Frequency-Selective Dielectric Layer and its Modeling by Method of Auxiliary Sources". Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET-2006). June 26-29, 2006. Kharkiv, Ukraine. pp. 574-576.
A. Bijamov Jr, D. Kakulia, G. Saparishvili, T. Gogua, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze. "Computer Simulation of 3D Complex Material-Based Devices". Proceedings of MEDITERRANEAN MICROWAVE SYMPOSIUM 2006, September 19-21, 2006, Genova, Italy. pp. 315-318.
- D. G. Kakulia, G. G. Kajaia, G. N. Ghvedashvili, D. D. Karkashadze, R. S. Zaridze. Transmission characteristics of dielectric layers with periodical dents. Proceedings of XIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2006), October 11-13, 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 91-94
- A. Bijamov Jr, D. Kakulia, G. Saparishvili, T. Gogua, D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze. Software for 3D computer simulation of complex material based devices. Proceedings of XIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2006), October 11-13, 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 181-184.
- D. Karkashadze, L. Shoshiashvili, G. Ghvedashvili, D. Kakulia, G. Kajaia, T. Gogua. 3D IWGA Source in FDTD modeling. Proceedings of XIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2006), October 11-13, 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 197-200.
- Zaridze R., Karkashadze D., Bijamov Jr. A., Kakulia D., Saparishvili G., Gogua T. "Computer Simulation of 3D Metamaterial-Based Band-Gap Devices". Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas & Propagation (EuCAP 2006), November 6-10, 2006, Nice, France.
- K. Tavzarashvili, Ch. Hafner, Cui Xudong, R. Vahldieck, D. Karkashadze, and G. Ghvedashviil. "Model-Based Parameters Estimation (MBPE) for Metallic Photonic Crystal Filters". ACES Journal, Vol. 22, N. 2, July 2007. pp.228-235.
- F. Shubitidze, D. Karkashadze, B. Barrowes, K. O’Neill. An analytical expression for estimating a buried object’s location, orientation and magnetic polarization to support UXO discrimination. Proceedings of XIIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2007), September 17-20, 2007, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 126-129.